In an interview with the press office of Fajr International Film Festival, Alireza Tabesh, said: "In this difficult period when Coronavirus has fundamentally changed all human and social relations, hosting Fajr International Film Festival and presenting unique Iranian works which have received the seal of approval and awarded by international judges, brings the promise of continuity of the Iranian Cinema as a world heritage”.
Tabesh considers the accreditation of Fajr International Festival as a competitive festival in FIAPF as a success for the Iranian cinema and said: "It is an honour and pride that Fajr International Festival was recognised as one of the top 16 competitive festivals in the world, especially since Fajr and the international aspects of the Iranian cinema were criticised by some media organizations several years ago. Despite the fact that Fajr International Film Festival has been one of the international communication bridges of Iranian cinema with different countries, especially the countries of the region.”
He emphasized: In fact, some unprofessional and subjective views questioned the success and continuity of this festival, while the presence of "Fajr" in the top 16 festivals in the world, reminds us all about its persistence and its increasing standard.”
The Managing Director of Farabi Cinema Foundation mentioned: "We should pay attention to the fact that after 120 years of the Iranian cinema and its ups and downs, today the new Iranian cinema with its diverse and valuable works and the presence of the most effective generation of directors and creativity continues." The role of festivals, markets, and film events is crucial in the development of film diplomacy and its economicization and internationalization.
The closing ceremony of the 38th Fajr International Film Festival was held on June 2,2021 and Iranian artists; Kaveh Mazaheri (Botox), Alireza Samadi (STAGING), Mehdi Hosseinivand (ASTEROID), Maryam Asmikhani (EMERGENCY), Hamid Farkhonejad (MAJOR), Ehsan Abdipour (MAJOR) along with other world cinema artists won the festival awards.