• Written, Directed & Produced by: Mohammad Habibi Mansour
  • Director of Photography: Rouhollah Javani
  • Editor: Mohammadreza Akbari
  • Sound-recordist & Design: Mohammad Mehdi Akbari, Mohammadreza Akbari
  • Iran, 2020, Color, Documentary, 77 mins.

The strange marriage of an eleven-year-old girl from Bahadoran Garden, a cold region between Isfahan and Shahrekord, with a man from Khuzestan, and the beginning of her life in Ahwaz leads to some erratic incidents. War is a complicated point of her life in Ahwaz. The life of The Lady, her husband, their two sons and daughter has somehow been tied into the war. Director’s Profile: Born in 1982 Mohammd Habibi Mansour holds the Bachelor degree in directing. Filmography: TEACHER, FUTURE STORY, WAITING EARTH, HUNTERS OF LOVE, DOCUMENTARY SERIES OF LITTLE SOLDIERS.
World Sales:
Contact : Mohammad Habibi Mansour Tel: +98 912 620 5315