An antirevolutionary group led by Dr. Madani and under the supervision of Donald Trump appoint Farbod to a secret mission. He is sent to Iran as a filmmaker. There Pejman Jamshidi and Sam Derakhshani are selected as actors of his film “Secret Army”. Farbod tries to successfully perform the mission, however, the two actors ruin everything with their goofiness…
Director’s Profile:
Born in 1967 in Tehran, Peyman Ghasem Khani is a prolific screenwriter best known for his comedies in Iranian cinema and TV. A graduate of statistics from Ahvaz University, Ghasem Khani has written a wide range of film scripts- from Rasoul Sadrameli’s award winning film, A GIRL IN THE SNEAKERS, to such popular comedies as Abolhassan Davoudi’s BREAD, LOVE AND MOTORCYCLE 1000, Kamal Tabrizi’s THE LIZARD, Behrouz Afkhami’s SAINT PETERSBURG and Rambod Javan’s NO MEN ALLOWED. Feature Films: 2017- THE GOOD, THE BAD, THE INDECENT, 2020- THE GOOD, THE BAD, THE INDECENT 2: SECRET ARMY.
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